7 points .. May be the key to resolving the current crisis in the field of editing, which claimed the Dantha dozens of killings and hundreds of people of all ages.
1. Stop the violence by the police and an immediate investigation with the perpetrators of the killings and wounding of demonstrators type of gas used and the trial and a public apology from the Field Marshal, and not regretting all the events of Liberation and the victims of an immediate end to military trials for civilians and the immediate release of political activists.2. Announcing the opening of nominations for the presidential elections under this constitutional proclamation December 1, 20113. Hold parliamentary elections as scheduled and completed on January 13 as scheduled. Landlocked central African oil and transfer to the legislative council under the new People's constitutional proclamation.4. To hold presidential election on January 25, 2012 coinciding with the celebrations of the glorious revolution. (Granting the right to vote with Egyptians abroad in full)5. Announcement of the results of the presidential election and the first civilian president to Egypt on February 11, the same day off and the fall of Mubarak and the transfer of powers to the executive branch constitutional proclamation of existing and thus this day is a day of celebration and the transfer of power back to the army barracks.6. A national salvation government full powers and be responsible for the file economic, political, social and Alrkza subordinated to the Prime Minister.7. Formation and activation of the National Security Committee headed by Field Marshal and the membership of the Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Judicial Council and the President of the General Intelligence Service and the Interior Minister and other ministers deliver on the responsibility of the security fileThis scenario will provide:1. The fastest available means and legitimacy to the transfer of power to civilian authority elected legislative and executive2. Avoid any problematic executive for a civilian presidential council has no specific mechanism or other mechanisms to transfer power to an individual or individuals would have been hard on them.3. Mere announcement of the opening of the nomination for the presidency in the first of December and presidential elections January 25 and took the first civilian president elected on February 11 may allay many field which demands an immediate fall of the military, but we do not have to answer (for those who recognize the authority)4. This proposal will not be hostile to the Islamic currents and prevent any split in the class. And any suggestion to disrupt the elections or postpone its consequences will be serious and may lead to conflict and rivalry between the different currents and will lead to late delivery of power and the military is the primary beneficiary of this conflict.5. The proposed procedures completely legitimate and do not conflict with the announcement of the constitutional only in part of the Shura Council and can be treated through one of the scenarios will be followed as described.6. Although the Constitution is the first requirement because it is the basis of many state-building, but any attempts of this kind would raise problems and prolong military rule and given a chance to kill the revolution and abort completely. We are in exceptional circumstances. Will be the drafting of the Constitution under Constitutional Declaration and the Founding Committee.7. If agreed, even if we imagine a lot almost a consensus will be the military into a corner to reveal his intentions very real and dangerous abortion referendum sedition, which was announced by Field Marshal.Problematic of the Shura Council in this proposed solution:The first scenario (the hardest and best) Shoura Council to cancel completely under these exceptional circumstances, where there is almost unanimity on the rejection and lack of relevance and provide millions of pounds that will be spent on this Council formal and direct the revolution for the treatment of invalids and families of martyrs. In this scenario be canceled material 35-36 - 37 of the Constitutional Declaration and the replacement of (the people and the Shura) to the people only in 27-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-56-61 of advertising materials, and Constitutional Amendments similar (verbal) in the laws of political rights and the law of the People's Assembly and Shura Council and the abolition of the Advisory Council nominations.The second scenario (the easiest and fastest): Amendment of only one substance (Article 27) of the Constitutional Declaration and the replacement of (the people and SC) people only in terms of running for the presidency. And can continue in the elections of the Shura Council as planned, or leave the fate of the elections to the Shura Council of the New People during the first meeting in the second half of January as planned.The proposal may be subject to the implementation of a consensual and does not lead to a clash between the political spectrum. But there are other solutions on the table more revolutionary and tend to her personally, but it may be more difficult to implement on the ground to the absence of mechanisms can be built upon. But we are in the revolution and who knows may be other solutions that would impose the same field.
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