السبت، 26 نوفمبر 2011

Ganzoury new article and political activist Dr. Ayman Nour

Assigned Field Marshal Tantawi, Dr. Kamal Ganzoury and give him full powers as prime minister and the acceptance of Dr. Ganzoury form a government of national salvation, may anger some, who eased their choices in the specific names, but definitely will be more people angry at this choice, is Hosni, Jamal, and Suzanne Mubarak!!
Agreed and disagreed, with Ganzoury, at the time he took office, and my membership in parliament, and was a clash days to the extent that carrying some officials to intervene to hold a meeting between Dr. Ganzoury and myself in his office of prime minister.
After a few hours from the end of the meeting received a phone call from President Mubarak, requesting to know what took place in a single meeting between me and Ganzoury!! And what surprised me as much attention to such details Mubarak, as far as what surprised me the most hostile spirit which spoke by Mubarak Ganzoury.
I asked myself, and some insiders, the reason for my contact Mubarak, while the closest contact with the logic of the prime minister, who works with him!! The answers that I received all take place within the framework of the strained relations between Mubarak and Ganzoury significance because of the latter himself, contrary to what Mubarak has in his staff Almnshakan front of him and in front of his wife and son!!
It is no secret that Ganzoury hit Jamal Mubarak, the time of the incident assassination attempt on Mubarak in Port Said, and reject the manner in which is spoken of by Gamal Mubarak, and the multiplication of a clash between them because of the insistence of beauty to the survival of Youssef Boutros Ghali, the government refused to Ganzoury him, and described Ganzoury to-Ghali that he worked for the IMF, so that was far from likely to attend meetings with the Fund for this reason, and declares that!
Among the most prominent positions, which carried the president on speed to get rid of Ganzoury, is Ganzoury rejected the inclusion of additional provisions for the presidency in the general budget, his testimony before the objects of expenditure of funds previously included!! Ganzoury as well as the rejection of the survival of some of the ministerial faces, which was very strong relationship with the family of Mubarak.
These positions - and others - were recovered always solid Ganzoury and stubbornness in the face of the tyranny of the authority of Mubarak, and the dominance of permanent ministers, prime ministers and former subsequent to Ganzoury, and perhaps this explains the exit Ganzoury a way that seemed to degrading and hostile power, and perhaps it was the only one of the prime ministersneighborhoods, which has not been designated at the site after his release, and remained for many years not called any celebration attended by Mubarak, while those who invited him and after him!!
Despite the differences that occurred - many times - between me and Ganzoury, by virtue of my website as deputy leader of the parliamentary opposition at this time, but I days I have not lost my confidence in the purity of the hands of man, and his knowledge of heavy and expertise in planning, and industry budget and management of difficult stages, and perhaps this is the Download the Party «tomorrow revolution» that suggests - always - the name of Ganzoury of three candidates for the Presidential Council of Civil, or prime minister, with the former Minister Hassan Mansour, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei.
The man who was thrown out years ago, not long separated from his passion for knowledge of numbers, which protect it by heart, and his search for solutions to the crisis, using his long experience in management as minister of planning for many years, and the Governor, and a Prime Minister ..
When we met in Rehab Al-Azhar Al-Sharif to discuss and document-Azhar was a speech Ganzoury the last speakers of the potential candidates for the presidential elections, but it was already the most dangerous, because the contents of the information on the grave situation which led to various sectors of the state and his urgent solutions in the framework of his .
Yes, I wish that the Prime Minister of the Government «National Salvation» is one of the young editor in the thirties «such as Ahmed Jawad, or other», and I also hope that the Prime Minister and one of the symbols associated with the revolution and in the field .. But - well - do not ignore the fact that Ganzoury name was always subtracted from the beginning of the revolution and the field, or that serious and austere man and his experience may make him able to challenge the dominance of the Supreme Council of the armed forces in this critical stage and accurate!!

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