الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

Documents .. Customs officials refuse to recognize the Suez 7 tons tear gas coming from the interior of America

Documents .. Customs officials refuse to recognize the
 Suez 7 tons tear gas coming from the interior of America

I got "gate-Ahram," the documents reveal the container and access to the port of Suez, literary, and received by the Ministry of Interior, inside tons of bombs, tear gas, an American-made, where Customs officials refused to Suez received, which caused the customs officials of referring them to achieve.

Describes the documents, that the container arriving at the port loaded on deck, "Darina Danica" led by the master, "Andre Cosa" and sent by the company "Coppinr System of America," and revealed documents that the American ship of new carry two containers within each 7 tons on its way to the port to reach shipments coming in one week to 21 tons.

Said Medhat Issa, from the farm youth Suez, the sources inside the port revealed to him the arrival of containers, tear gas, and that, according to documents for shipments there on the way to port an American ship another carrying two containers each container 21 feet carrying tons of bombs, and that the process of being blackout complete shipments and quantities and source inside the port.

Esa added, that a report to the World Health Organization found that the company sent to the containers, which carry tear gas company is prohibited from dealing with all the organizations and the World Health Assemblies since they produce bombs forbidden to deal with them internationally.

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