Has received continuous Zeinhom morgue for the
bodies of the martyrs and the events of Tahrir Square clashes between demonstrators and troops and police in the last two years trying to break up the sit-force, and even now, after the call for Magdy Rady today.
And came to a scene of anger and resentment and faces of the people and the families of victims and human rights activists, which made the atmosphere tense between parents and staff morgue and prosecutors, which appeared intransigent in dealing with the families of the victims and their rejection of the speed of dissection and extraction permits the burial, to stop people between the confusion of grief and wailing on the young children who claimed and the agony measures taken to Msoahm latter.
Although the signal the army and police the finger to protesters not to belong to the rebels, calling them bullying, did not differentiate between the sniper sit-in in the field and returning from their jobs Fbdy clear that what is required is to end the life of Egyptian citizens whatsoever.
Families of the martyrs in the "Zeinhom", which was packed with corpses and neighborhoods to prosecute the offending in the killing of their children and the speed and knowledge of the offender and the stop signal the presence of a third party leading the killing of demonstrators and the lack of knowledge institutions, the army and the police to him, and this constitutes a failure in the performance of security institutions, if these words.
The parents there is no difference between the Mubarak government and the Government of the revolution both massacres and dragged to the children of Egypt, even after their death.
Amid the howling sometimes and other times of joy and called some of the mothers of martyrs coffins of their children and wish them safety in their journey to God, and that the price of life is the freedom of Egypt and its youth, and echoed some cheers, "I am delighted to rejoice, O martyr .. waiting for you in heaven a martyr."
"Gate" the delegation observed the feelings of the families of martyrs in the morgue full of Zeinhom.
And called the mother of the martyr Essam 27 years old coffin Fiqidha Balzgarrid filled with regret over his youth, which emphasized the non-participation in the demonstrations and taken to a gunshot treachery in the head as he returned from his work, said: "I mean we say walking side Heit and still the Mnfh, God and yes the agent."
The 20 years old Mustafa Mohamed Assistant A field hospital doctors liberalization fell dead shot in the neck which is rushing to save the population of a condominium of liberation, which raged with fire.
Also called the mother of Mohammed 20 years old son and breadwinner only keep her from this world, who claimed it was shot in the side shouting and crying does not stop even now, she said: "I live for the Maine Game, my son, I live to Maine, whom God Old Akhaddok."
Said Khaled Ramadan's brother, 16 years old one the victims of past editing is in the intensity of his grief, the absence of Mohammed since Sunday and attended to the morgue to look for him to find his body among the victims did not absorb the shock so Avqdtna even focus and measures of anatomy and a permit burial for several hours.
While he Gamal Abdel-Al's strong indignation of the intransigence of the morgue's body handed over to his nephew Mohammed preached 19 years the deceased was shot in the head inside the Kasr Al-Aini Hospital in spite of all the documents, bring them to prove his identity but refused to manage interest.
He said Khalid Saeed's brother, 26 years old, "God and yes proxy" My brother died was shot in the back when he was returning from his work did not take part in the demonstrations was not interested in politics from the ground and his death will not benefit them in something he was not worried policy days.
D, while after. Mohammed Issa, Assistant to the Chief Medical Examiner Department of Forensic Medicine does not have broad powers to control the slicing and extraction permits burial of bodies without reference to the opinion of the prosecution which is the competent authority which issued these orders, we only implement what we ordered.
In the same context, the interest on the assessment of the situation the bad comes the families of the victims, especially that most of the victims of the recent events of the liberation of the young people were between 16 and 30 years, most of whom died of gunshot wounds window in the head, neck, abdomen and back.
He stressed the interest to try to contain this crisis as much as possible, particularly as the number of victims is increasing as long as the violence in the editorial continues.
With SCA. Rifai, Ashraf, Assistant Chief Medical Examiner for the management of the affairs of the autopsy that there are 15 deaths and 18 unknown identity unknown and most cases of death due to infection with gunshot wounds in the chest, abdomen and head
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