الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2011

The media's role in the change

The media's role in the changeIntroduction:Originated the media to speak on behalf of the United has been established for this purpose and not to defend the government but has been exploited in another way, especially in countries ruled by dictatorial regimes, as is the case in most Arab countries has been the media defending the capital applications out, ignoring the interests of the people, even went off the technology revolution of the millennium third via satellite and the Internet and entered the Arab world in the technology revolution that has affected a significant effect in this world and the beginning of 2005 appeared Blogs "personal sites", which created a new kind of types of media, which is called new media "new media" or the popular press has been for this type of media role in the spread of the Kifaya movement since 2005 and also had a significant role in supporting the judges during their uprising in 2006, after rigging elections, the People's Assembly, led by the Mubarak regime.Blogging:The new media "blogs" a significant role for the release of prisoners because of their solidarity with the judges in their revolt and then rolled the events and exposed the blogging role of the police in the fabrication issues and torture of citizens within the departments, prisons and most famous of these issues, the issue of driver microbuses that violated the display inside the police station Bulaq at the hands of Associate Investigation section "Islam Nabih," The dawn of this issue, then-blogger "Wael Abbas" through his blog "Egyptian Awareness" and the impact of the bombing of the issue interacted a lot of civil society organizations and movements of protest Youth until the court ruling that the officer "Islam Nabih," three years ago and rolled blogs spread and expose corruption in largeThe best known of the new code tomorrow revolution Dakahlia existing attic political activist and blogger Ayman al-Husseini.Social networking - Facebook & Twitter:And then spread at the end of 2007, social networking sites and the most famous sites Facebook and Twitter for example, Facebook has allowed the youth create Jerobac Jerobac that brought them together on an issue or an idea or a hobby and was the first reaction on the ground in Egypt, through the establishment of Group to call for a general strike in Egypt on the sixth of April in 2008 on the impact of protests by workers in Mahala.Established Jerob at this time two militants Ahmed Maher and Esra Abdel Fattah has joined the Group strike about seventy thousand of visitors to the site despite the authorities' control on some sites but it had an impact in changing the social and political reality after the events of the camp has managed to young people in Egypt to express their aspirations and demands that were not any political or power struggle, but was realistic talk about the high prices and related pay prices are here and after the arrest of young people who call for the strike Mad solidarity with them through my Social Networks Facebook and Twitter until he was released and knew young people on their way, and organized themselves through the site and set up working groups on the ground through the virtual world and opened most of the files of corruption in Egypt and interact with them a lot of young people who did not have anything to do with political participation, but they were under the pressure and the suppression of the police state like any other citizen.He went on events that took place the police in the murder of Cheb Khaled Said, and the dissemination of his image after the murder of a presidential candidate, Ayman Nour, through his page on Facebook and then traded young people these images through the site and created a page under the name "We are all Khaled Said" and went beyond page one hundred thousand members and through this page continues to young people together before to lay the same fate of Khaled Said, despite the attempts of deception through the PRESS system complicit and notify him corrupt and published many lies about the case did not publish any facts except that the youth have succeeded in spreading their cause internationally and found support and international solidarity for their cause and rose up with them all the provinces of Egypt was to this page Durakbera in calling for a revolution twenty-fifth of January as the first revolution is determined regularly but already at the level of the world.In the meantime, spark Bouazizi it not for sites Altoas social Maalm a Bhadtth in Tunisia and through this the spark that started in Tunisia, get up young Tunisian and dissemination of Tunisian youth events of uprising, moment by moment on my Facebook and Twitter and was Tunisian youth support Egyptian youth and helped each other in the dissemination of events Revolution Tunisian and through revolution Tunisia benefited Egyptian youth culture of Tunisian youth has been watching and helping so successful revolution in Tunisia deposed dictator Ben Ali from here benefited Egyptian youth from the Tunisian experience and try to apply a text with the innovation of Egypt and has already called on the 6 April Youth and Youth for justice, freedom and Page We are all Khaled Said, protesting for a day on January 25, 2011 as a day of rejoicing, police and young people have already managed to plan the day via Facebook and Twitter, young people welcomed the political parties that supported the active call them and supported their demands did not tell the one from participating in the day.
Internet Video "YouTube and Facebook":Of the most famous videos that have affected the social reality of Egypt are the videos of torture in police stations, where it spread across the blogs of the militants, as pointed out in Chapter I of the article, "Blogs" have been circulating these videos after through Mobiles modern that reached to all the citizens are very large byBluetooth service, adding fuel to the citizens and interact mostly with cases of torture and dared to expose the existing Zbat torture in police stations, after breaking the barrier of fear and taboo issues emerged thousands were imprisoned by dozens of police officers involved in torture cases.Radio and TV Internet:The process of young people from their performance on the information network and turned to the work of a new interaction through radio and television online without prejudice to stream specific, but are quite neutral and the dissemination of youth through radio and television online the facts as they see it, in fact, without a roof or red lines and the slogan was frankly without offending. Addressed the radios sector of Internet users in Egypt, and supported many initiatives against corruption has also broadcast through direct training of youth to the use of the Internet and teach them to activate the new media tools.Also shown interest in monitoring and raising issues and challenges, the young Egyptian Aanosh such as unemployment, poverty and poor education and low propensity for political participation and the community and respected in their charters and international treaties on human rights.And used in its awareness campaigns and programs, discussion and documentation of investigations and public activities in order to achieve its purposes.Also carry this type of new media activation and the impact of his role in Egyptian society, its strength as one of the mechanisms that reflect the interests of an entire generation of young people who watched the technology revolution, and that by introducing mechanisms to express their opinions and ideas of political, economic, social and cultural rights through the use of cheap price and wide influence.Mobile:Mobile had a big role in the success of the protest gatherings of youth and activating the role of alternative media through SMS and direct broadcast service and communicate constantly on Facebook, Twitter and BlackBerry Messenger.Take advantage of young Egyptian mobile by SMS to the invitations for events and meetings secret and non-confidential and international satellite TV correspondent in Oqoqat crush them in the demonstrations and to isolate them.And also in the meantime, when the authorities are trying to crush the demonstrations, protests and prevent the presence official media and the international space, the men used the service live broadcast via mobile voice and picture service Bambuser which allows the mobile to transmit video of the moment of filming, this way out of youth's attempts to cover up the Vaalyatem anti- system of dictatorship.This narrative of the manual, we can say that young people managed to internationalize his case himself without fear of the executioner or the horror of the soldiers without the feared prison wall or the dock, and we must also recognize the role of new media and otherwise McCann change that prevail now, but otherwise Masagtt more dictatorships in the Arab world Now.

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