الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2011

(Administrative Justice) received a bomb vote Egyptians abroad in the government court

Raised the rule of the Administrative Court, to enable Egyptians abroad to vote in the elections, different reactions and ask many questions about how to ensure the integrity of the electoral process abroad, as well as how to provide judicial supervision.
The merits of government that the Supreme Commission for Elections has jurisdiction and authority necessary to enable every Egyptian citizen from exercising his right to participate in referendums and elections in their homeland, while the Foreign Ministry announced as being not the point of decision in this regard, and it is committed to implement, when approved by the embassies and consulatesabroad, which has already sent perceptions of procedures and arrangements for the elections, in case it is decided to proceed with the grant Egyptians abroad the right to vote.
Commenting on the ruling Chancellor confirmed Abdalmaz Ibrahim, President of the Supreme Commission for Elections, told «sunrise», respect for the Commission to the rule of the Administrative Court and the right of Egyptians to vote the election, and said that «the provision enforceable, and that the Commission has not denied by the right Mbary abroad to vote», At the same time pointed out that «the implementation needs to be mechanisms to a much greater potential of the Higher Committee», and that the executive is entrusted with the implementation of the cost of it before Based on the affairs of the country, and added: «the transfer of the electoral process to the outside above the potential of the Committee, nor have the tools for its implementation ».
He said he had already said repeatedly that the vote of Egyptians abroad «sovereign decision» in the first place, not owned by the Supreme Committee for the elections, and that the military only, which can activate the resolution, because it is linked to specific actions and specific, and added: «Court ruling implemented immediately, but how we organize vote millions of Egyptians abroad, and we do not have the money, and we have no judges are ready to oversee the electoral process abroad ».
In the same context, Counsel explained just Farghaly, the former head of the administrative courts, that the provision on the right of Egyptians abroad to vote and run for «sound», in theory, but «the problem lies in how to apply the sentence in accordance with the law, which did not specify in any of its articles or responds with detailed information about procedures and controls and mechanisms vote Egyptians abroad ».
He said: «vote of resident abroad has the inherent right of access to real democracy, but we must distinguish between the right of Egyptians abroad to participate to the electoral process, and the absence of a legal text, clarifies and regulates its procedures in a fair and transparent governance reflects only the extent of eligibility of Egyptians abroad and their will to express who represented ».
The Farghaly to the possibility of application of the provision for presidential elections, against the difficulty of its implementation in the parliamentary elections for «time constraints», as well as the Election Commission does not have the necessary resources on the face, which was included in the reasoning, there is no clear vision shows the action or details of the electoral process abroad He added: «It is difficult, both legal and practical, and must rush to the legislator for regulation and do the right of Egyptians abroad, draw on and develop the legal procedures in a transparent manner so as to ensure the integrity of the electoral process abroad».
Dr. Ibrahim al-Anani, a professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University, that the difficulties facing the voting process abroad, is in the number of Egyptians large in some countries, and the impossibility of grouping of the vote at the headquarters of embassies, as well as the difficulty of providing the headquarters of electoral abroad and, on the must be of legal voting National ID card, and this is not available for many of those based overseas, he says.
The chancellor said Mahmoud al, Vice President of the Court of Cassation the past, the government has always tried to be issued to the people is impossible to vote Egyptians abroad, though there are many proposals for the professionals, developed scenarios complete the process of electronic voting, in addition to give the ambassadors the authority granted to judges to oversee the electoral process,and ensure the integrity, confirming the eligibility of Egyptians living abroad to contribute in the future of their country, and should not be deprived of this right, he says.

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