الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2011

Dr.. Mohamed Ghoneim Raúdzraah total in Egypt and the Middle East

There is a plan of the Muslim Brotherhood and the remnants of the Council and to curtail the military and the kidnapping of the revolution to run for president now is the concept .. I respect ElBaradei Sabahi and the light because they said «No» before the revolution...

World said Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim, a leading kidney transplants in the Middle East, said that events in Egypt recently in front of Maspero, and claimed the lives of dozens of dead and wounded from the ranks of the army and the Copts, made us wonder: Is what happened during the period from January 25 until February 11 was a revolution or uprising? Reference the main reason as we see the weakness of the Egyptian government after 25 January in the decision-making firm, calling it the government is revolutionary, and in his dialogue with the «seventh day» put Ghoneim prescription to treat the current situation, stressing the need to stabilize the security situation and the elimination of lawlessness, and the implementation of Agenda Revolutionary strictly from the trials and revolutionary formulation and paper compatibility between the various political forces on the principles that should be included in the new Constitution, announcing his quest to form a bloc and the Egyptian national neutral between the various national forces, because the parties after the revolution from the point of view like a child who did not complete maturityAfter asserting that the country needs the rank of Chief Officer can be held accountable and differences with him and change it periodically, and the following text of the interview ..How do you see the scene in light of current events in the Egypt, the latest incident Maspero?This event is a result of the accumulation resulted from two factors, first relax the security from the address incident Atfih and not to punish the perpetrators firmly, and the second is the delay in the formulation and activation of the law establishing the role of worship common, and the biggest factor behind these two factors from my point of view is the question: Is what happened during the period From January 25 to February 12 was a revolution or uprising?But during the 18 days have not seen a revolution day attacks on shops, burning churches, theft and murder .. How do you explain the spread of that now?Sure that the rebels did not do such actions both during and after the revolution, and those events began with the Feb. 2 «signed sentences», and subsequently spread, and it seems that there are flaws in the society and the thugs have invested the security situation is uncontrolled.There are signs make me believe in the existence of a plan to contain and curtail the revolution and tarnish the image of the rebels, because they did not cut off roads or burn churches, but there is an effort to tarnish their image so far, the most recent attack on the Interior and the embassy, ​​and the rebels did not do this.Do you see that the delay in achieving the goals of the revolution?Since Feb. 12 has been reduced and unloading of the revolution of its goals, I will give an example comparing the January 25, 2011 and July 52, regardless of approval or objection, the procedures in the July revolution: who the revolution are the ones who took power, and in their hands the power strong, coarse and soft both, the first thing they did was they solved the parties and applied the law of perfidy to try those who have corrupted the political life, the second set up courts of the revolution, and shot down the Constitution of 23, and put the agrarian reform law, these are the mechanisms for the revolution, and I'm not saying that we do as did the courts of the July Revolution, which aborted sit-ins and hanged two of the workers because they are legally in the sit-in, but I see that all of the burned church or cut a path has to be dealt with firmly and quickly and fairly Nadzh, and must know that after the revolution occur a transitional period before the stability of it, despite that the perpetrators of July Revolution who seized power there has been stability only at the end of 54, ie after two years of the revolution.If we consider that the revolution has been discharged of its content, which it seeks to control the initial gains?- Three categories: political Alnmtion who are called «remnant», and certainly the Muslim Brotherhood, which considers that there is a great opportunity to bounce on the power, therefore in a state compromised and spinning with the military, perhaps the military, too, but I do not know the extent of their ambition in the to seize power, or enable the members of that one.What do you think in the performance of the government of Dr. Essam Sharaf?Government is weak, they have to lay rules of the road to Egypt, the Renaissance, and all these factors mentioned above is what made the situation existing is obvious to one, because it is very simple as the government found no where statesmen, a man of the State against another form, is able to resolve the situation in many of issues, and if you ask me for the performance of a state and address the issues I would say to you: in a case such as the minimum and maximum wage does not appear one of the officials says that I can do or do not do such and such, according to the state's potential, or in another example of the elections of members of the faculty in the universities, a state in this case says that the elections are not the property of members of the faculty or students, but it belongs to the people, and universities in the case of sagging and falling, and trying to man the state to do what you do universities State where there is no elected or appointed, but they are declared Open, which calls for the academic competition, and thus would occupy top leadership positions and most able academically.So the government's performance failed ..I want to know what the reason for our rejection of the IMF loan? We all know that he will help in infrastructure projects and the advancement of the conditions of workers, because more people are day laborers, and if we done to them then your economy would start to promote, but unfortunately we delayed a lot and if approved since 4 months it was possible to accomplish many projects and the completion of the constitution.What do we need? And how to address the current situation?What we need is to stabilize the security situation, and quickly, and I imagine that this is the responsibility of the Military Council and the Ministry of the Interior, secondly the need for a paper agreed with respect to the general principles that must be contained in the Constitution; because it is very important that the Constitution of Egypt agreed, and put a statement of constitutional complement , and we are in a referendum, what is stopping you in that?What do you think the priorities and requirements of the current stage?The current stage of serious problems, because since the Feb. 12 failed to deal organizers of the command and decision-makers with what happened like a revolution, but they dealt with the uprising, or a gift, not a revolution, because revolution mechanisms are not used so far, the first that the revolution must to participate in the political process and, hence, if we say that the national armed forces have had a real role, has not fired a single shot and have had to place some sort of partnership between civilians and military personnel, whether in the form of a National Council or the Council of presidential Second, immediately after any revolution to be dropped Constitution or the fundamental basis of the above, and is called a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution to establish a foundation, and to clarify the rules of political action after the revolution.Third, mechanisms of the revolution also special laws to trials in the Revolution as one of treachery and deal decisively with a severe some situations such as fire Atfih, for example, and other crimes that have been dealt with in a way is a revolutionary, rather than prosecute offenders in the courts of a revolutionary speed, and in any case I understand that there will be a sit in front of the governorate of Qena, but do not understand that are cut off roads and railways, all of this led to the erosion of state authority and the decline in prestige, and this is the situation in which we live, there is an economic downturn is not caused by a revolution, but security, there is also a call elections under the particular contradiction to the security situation, the question is: Can the current security system elections reasonable?The center of the number of candidates for the presidency, which is increasing day after day .. What basic features of the personality seen by «Ghoneim» be most appropriate to the leadership of Egypt in the next stage?First, the large number of candidates a positive thing in itself, and the people have the right to the end to choose from it deems best suited to assume this position, secondly I imagine from my point of view to run for the presidency now the work is the concept of, and may even describe as unpatriotic, that's because there is no constitution until now determines the type of the Egyptian state, if a parliamentary republic, there is no need to run at all; because parliament will choose a president has a cameo role, and if a presidential republic, then the Chairman of the role of an effective and influential.Another point I see it, is that the candidate in a presidential republic must, in my opinion - and the opposite of what is written in the constitutional amendments, which is something scandalous - to apply for candidacy with his deputy in a single card, but the referendum Astftina on 19 March - It is written not literal - provides that the president-elect appoints his deputy within 60 days, and this means that any president could have chosen his nephew, or «one owner» to be the vice-presidential republic in the right to be president and vice president on one card.If we apply the system of presidential republic, two factors are crucial within which the selection of the next president, namely the credibility of the candidate, and his program, Group I, in my opinion applies to each of said «no» clearly before 25 January, because this is a watershed in my point of view, such as Dr. MohammadElBaradei, Dr. Ayman Nour, Hamdeen, all of them demanded the change before the revolution, not like people saree was in the UAE, Kuwait or were denied exit on the ruling.Is it not strange to see all of these candidates did not announce one of his election platform?- This is true, and programs currently under way for the candidates is not clear from my point of view, and the kind of conciliatory populism, and clarity is important; because of which can be prosecuted President that does not comply with his program, not enough to prepare a reform of education or the application of social justice that there was no specific steps to achieve this.In the end I want a civil servant the President can be held accountable and differences with him and change it regularly, and has the interface of international and charisma although I am against the idea of ​​charisma and the ability to rhetoric, because the subject of leadership ended in all countries of the world and must end in Egypt.What is your comment on the invitation of the Council's military and political forces, parties and meeting with them? How do you see the document emanating from the meeting and that benefit the survival of the Council to rule until 2013?An invitation to a limited range, at which the Arthrosis on several topics, including Article V of the election law, and this issue does not discriminate, because the single-member constituencies has expanded dramatically, and now includes spaces and numbers population is so huge, and therefore who appreciate it are those with money or influential family , and this will bring us back to fill the families and partisanship, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood has a lot of money which will ensure its success, so it must adhere to the system lists the relative benefit of Egypt.With regard to the survival of the timing is right for the disappearance of the military theory is immediately after the election of the President, but there are alien forces demanding the coming of the President before the end of the drafting of the Constitution, and this is not sound, because this would open the door to a problem is this Republic of parliamentary or presidential, so it has to be finalized the constitution and the holding of a referendum and then presidential elections, and the drafting of the Constitution in March after the elections of the Shura Council and the people and choose the percent that corresponds to them by the members of the Founding Committee to be the drafting of the constitution and a referendum on it, then comes the stage of the election of the president if a presidential republic, and if it became a parliamentary Vcentb Parliament of whom will not become his executive capacity, but symbolic.How can restore confidence between the people and the military?Council received Egypt peeled, ready to start, I do not think that there is a political decision taken at the level of high politics was in order, beginning with the referendum and the end of the law regulating elections, it was supposed to now be the existing Constitution, and there is no problem with that, and would have been to Egypt presidential council and a joint agreed
 constitution, and time of the presidential council, under the joint control of one will not be afraid of power.How do you see the future of Islamic political groups?- Groups v Islamic are two types: first, the Salafis, and the second concerned with political affairs, the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the Salafist groups are funded and assigned by the groups of Wahhabism, and they thought strange to think Islam is the middle, and the Muslim Brotherhood, they have the political line could give them a voice or not , but must be done within the framework of a constitution emphasizes pluralism, freedom and rights of citizenship and democracy is not a time, any democracy «Alkleniecs», and this is the need for a constitution before the elections, but this did not happen unfortunately.What do you think the parties after the revolution?- Parties, the result of the revolution, we must take time as any newborn takes its time to mature, party is in need of the headquarters of the newspaper reached his views and ideas for people to have an effective, there are other problems related to new parties, including the fact that there are parties with a religious party like the light, although that the parties law prevents the creation of any party on a religious basis, and there are approximately 6 parties arising from the belly of the National Party, such as Mustafa Said, Hossam Badrawi, we try to put something else, is the issue of mass Egyptian national, which includes parties, can be described Palmdnah which calls for civil rule, including liberals, socialists, and in order to make the mass and coordinate between them must be an equal distance from the parties.What we need to implement development projects in the next stage as a Ghoneim, medical and scientific project and the project scientist Farouk El-Baz economic, and can repeat the experience again the medical at the moment?- Be the basic education and the academic and scientific research of the priorities of any national project for the new government elected, and two draft is not a unique experience, but the success of tactical limited, but unfortunately we are working under the umbrella of the law is corrupt so-called law of universities, in order to change the university level must change the law, and if we are to improve education, we have to keep an appropriate budget, and the same for the scientific research, not enough to give it 2 of ten percent of the gross national product and say that scientific research is getting better, so we «Kdaben».One of the best candidates for the presidency so far?- All the people who said «No» before the revolution, but before anything I want to see their programs in order to choose, and if we talked about seeing a preliminary to this, I would choose ElBaradei, because the role was important after his coming to Egypt and a demand for change and innovation method of electronic signatures, and interest mobilize young people in particular, but also has international destinations, and his mind's salary, and good political, and analyzes the political sound, and all that was said of the attack upon his credit, and talks about his role in the Iraq war, he has access to the report submitted by the Atomic Energy Organization to the Security Council before two weeks of the aggression on Iraq, stating that there is no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Therefore awarded the Nobel Prize is his foundation. And Mohamed Salim Al-Awa God gives him health, but I like to ask him: Where were you before the revolution? Is it demanded change? Do not use words such as: who are demanding the constitution are the first intimate friend, and that the military is the apple of the eyes.

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