الأحد، 11 ديسمبر 2011

What liberalism and its concept and definition of the reality of my experience

The definition of liberalism

Derived the word liberal from Lipper liber a Latin word meaning heat. Vallibralah means liberation. In many cases mean the absolute freedom from all restrictions, making room for clutter.

Liberalism is the doctrine or political movement social awareness within the community, aims to liberate the human as an individual and as a group of three authoritarian constraints (political, economic and cultural), has been moving in line with ethics and values ​​of the society that adopted

Adapted according to the circumstances of each liberal society, as it varies from community to community. Also the doctrine of liberal political and economic together in politics means that philosophy which is based on the independence of the individual and commitment to personal freedoms and the protection of political freedoms and civil rights.

Regarding the relationship between liberalism and morality, and religion or liberal, the liberal does not care for the individual's behavior as long as it did not come out of his inner circle of the rights and freedoms, but strict outside that framework. Be morally decadent, this is your business. However, that the moral harm Btfschk others, that getting drunk and driving, or infringe on the girl in the street, for example, he can not back your business. And to be religious or atheist, it's your business too.

Liberal view that the individual is the true expression of the human, away from abstractions and Altnzirat, and this revolves around the individual and the whole philosophy of life, and derive the values ​​that define thought and behavior together.Man comes out of this life to free his people the right to life, liberty and the right of thought, conscience and belief, meaning the right to life as he pleases, according to his convictions of the individual, not as it pleases him. Vallibralah does not mean more than the right of the individual - rights to live free and required by a full selection of tolerance with the other to accept the difference. Freedom and choice are the cornerstone of the liberal philosophy, we do not find a contradiction here between the theoreticians of different no matter how different their results after that

Developed liberal across four centuries from the sixteenth century emerged as a result of the religious wars in Europe to stop such conflicts as the satisfaction sentenced ruler is the source of the legitimacy of government and individual freedom is the origin has been suggested philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant's theory of social contract, whichassume that there is a contract between the ruler and the ruled and the satisfaction of the governed is justified the authority of the Governor, because of the centrality of the individual in a liberal, they see the need for justification for the authority of the ruler and so is the theory of social contract liberal, although some of the ideas of supporters such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau were not consistent with the values ​​of liberal .

Hobbs was an authoritarian political tendency, and his social philosophy, and even political authoritarianism that was seen, emerged from the right of freedom and choice. Locke was a democratic tendency, but it also stems from the right of freedom and choice. Bentham and the utilitarian tendency, but it also stemmed from his reading of the motives of human behavior (the individual) first, and the freedom and choice are the end result.

To oversee the development of the liberal political and economic, we can say that individual rights have grown and evolved through the ages even jumped to the current concept of human rights that has emerged after World War II in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It may be the most important development in the history of liberalism is the emergence of social liberalism (or socialism) in order to eradicate poverty and class differences large occurred after the Industrial Revolution, the existence of classical liberalism and care of human rights where they may state can not provide those rights without interference in the economy for the benefit of the less benefit from economic freedom.

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