الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2011

Dakahlia and the rationalization of government spending and regulation looting of private funds

Ministry of Finance calls for the preparation of the rationalization of budget cuts government departments and Dakahlia is doing a four-iron gates of the governor's office at a cost of sixty thousand pounds for all entrances to a library and not only that, but to build walls and make library barracks will not enter the ordinary citizen does not Atugeh his complaint Him to how a man who has the priorities to serve the ordinary citizen of behind the walls of iron, and that those costs from the budget of the province and the state and as must be the door of the governor is open to the public and not to close its doors iron gates, it is best to convey the library prison Mansoura public or to the Directorate of Security close Bmina Court maintained or that this is the mentality and thinking of a former police officer to be closed on itself and away from people's minds, can we edit and work with after 25 January and to move forward and not back to back .............. just a question of first ?....!
That the Director General of Accounts Abdul Wahab Mohammed forgotten to address the governor Salaheddin Almaadaoeptarich 23/11/2011 to agree to address the Minister of hydration local to continue the decision 118 of the 2011 Patarrih 12/12/2011 which regulates Alsadik and private accounts, and ask where was Mark and approved Mnqubl Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister and the Governor Dakahlia that spent a month of eight thousand pounds for managers and their agents and senior officials of the Bureau and the local units, how the senior staff spend rewards funds for this quantity, size, and administrative staff and the staff follow-up, incoming and outgoing, and administrative and financial affairs and accounts do not spend a cent LE, which issued the earlier decision of the former governor Samir peace that must be spent cent pounds per month did not act only Shahrauahda or two Is it possible Omasal corruption, theft and looting eyes eye while still remnants of the National have the courage and the ability to Maevalona in the Government of Mr. Acanutorkamal Ganzouri the Government of National Salvation and the government pull the country from corruption and bribery That communication I present to Mr. Acanutorkamal Alganzori and Mr. Public Prosecutorand Under the Attorney General Dakahlia and you deep thanks and gratitude, because we make our country in the elevation and purification of corruption and the corrupt, if that was intended, it PLAGUE but ignorance of it more and more because the House of ignorant spoil before the House of the unjust and all we are all a shepherd and every shepherd is responsible for his flock and the governor Salaheddin Almaadaoa responsible for as much as five million citizen Dakahlia and is responsible for the staff of his office-General of the province of Dakahlia not treat them unjustly because the first will turn on you and then say the demands of class, it is the source it is your leadership of others disciplined and unfair of managers and senior staff with no want nor care about the other is going to their pockets and their mouths so Ouhrmoa for more than a thousand and five hundred employees of the financial and administrative rights of the respondent does ............... I hope so and I hope I find the mobility of the Minister of Finance and Dr. Kamal al-worthy and has more and thanks ..... ........... and comment to you, gentlemen, governance and the proof of the documents with me?

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