السبت، 7 يناير 2012

O streets of Egypt .. Ibrahim Aslan died

الراحل إبراهيم أصلان

You Tfzaay be changed Shaklak and whistles Mlamg, and Tanguen eyes tears Alskhin, Ibrahim Aslan died, my streets of Egypt, died of the Ihrsk and take care of and Ishqr you, died for your aid and protect him, he died of tapped into his footsteps, and Ahqtk his eyes, he died of Ahsak and your drawing and Shaklak the temperament, and I him the heart and the eye and the soul and the birds of prey, Matt good Saduq amnesty, he died the great Knower seer, Matt expert smiling meditator itching narrator, he died on the feast of the Resurrection, on the warming, So be coolness and peace be upon him, O our streets, and Teetmy thy Father died, and Anaftry grief over the son bar.

Malck sad concession on his throne a concern, and joined the eternal Rahibh wide, and walked around his soul on the banks of the Nile, a bird small love of life was, allowed cheerful hospitable shy was, he left his eminence in our hearts after being filled with love and sorrow, knowledge and nostalgia, Matt, who refused to shake hands with Mubarak and refused to sit in his hands, when jog others, and smuggled to him a year ago as a child fleeing the poisonous injection.

Now has to meet his Lord, the heart of mercy, the spirit of velvet, and has now thrown on his last look, and in announcing his death his beloved eternal pure, and you, O Egypt to grieve, died of chanted love and said "Enough" is indifferent to the whips dictator and his ilk, Vazkry him that he did not disappoint you think it, and Azchrih all the good it deserves, he died to make your history a part of it, and made himself a stone in you, he saw, heard and there and told, and it became our story and Onasna and our friend and our pioneer and Mgnina and Hamina, and became seen and martyr.

Bear witness, O the streets of Egypt for the love of you, and tell him in words well when it passes you goodbye, he is the Anclk of randomness and chaos, noise and hustle and make your icon expensive wish to walk the one his heart is not Bakdima, bear witness, O Kit Kat, and it will Imbaba O Ramses that the factor of the telegraphold sent the message to our hearts wrecked the last bleeding, Altha pull tears, and took it sorrowfully.

My brother Ibrahim, dying hurts, and Hoarek Todjana, and the look of eye small deep dreamy Todjana, you do not know, my brother Ibrahim km were taken from our hearts, how many lived in, you do not know, the smile the sea, and the smile of the river and smile the sky We were ashamed of Hijuchtna when see your youth, how much we Nair souls and Nkgelha when we compare them and your soul, be sure you do not know that when you Tadzt on in January, and we were going to the field Marin Street, Palace of the Nile, Tadzt I am you, and you, we sharpen our souls and Nhvzha, and tell them look at Ashq Egypt and learn from it, and look how he walks the earth in humility and love, who is jealous of him to the clouds.

O sky antagonized to receive his soul the good, the land is not dealing as it should, he lived a faithful devotee in the alleys, and acolytes, and when satisfied he calculated them did not know the downstream only when surprised by a stone breaks from the wall, O uncle Ibrahim, in the heart throat, and in the eye tear,heartbreak, conscience, and I saw you, and we calculated Haddtnak, and once you you live in our offices, and occupies our head, eye, tongue, your love fragrance.

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