السبت، 7 يناير 2012

Human shields to secure the churches of Mansoura

دروع بشرية لتأمين كنائس المنصورة
The day of the "youth field" and the movement of "adequacy" is the work of human shields to secure Mansoura churches to help the security personnel, whether police or armed forces to protect the churches.

He had gone to protect the young churches "St. Virgin Mary" Btorell in Mansoura and the Church "Virgin Mary" and "Archangel Michael" area of ​​the new rail Dakahlia.
Was confirmed by Ayman al-Husseini, a blogger and political activist party tomorrow that revolution on his way to the protection of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin Btorell
Close to the place of residence for the participation of Copts Dakahlia and fellow activists to protect the churches to avoid any skirmishes or attempted attacks on churches or trying to sow strife between Copts and Muslims because the religion is for God and the homeland for all and we have to protect the homeland and its business.
Ibrahim stressed Fadhloun political activist movement of the adequacy and human rights activist organization that they went all the Egyptians to protect churches, all he and some political activists and members of the youth field, in order to avoid any attack on churches and any increase in terror causes of sectarian strife in Egypt.
For his part, he said, "Mina Samir" political activist that he shared his fellow activists in securing the churches do not celebrate the holiday with the rest of the Christians and that in the festivals of the Muslims was visiting mosques and congratulates Muslims and celebrate their festivals, pointing out that this is the biggest proof that we are brothers and sons home contains all religions

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